FREE Video Training - How To Get A Consistent Flow Of Paying Clients (...without ever being salesy, pushy or inauthentic!)


On a mission to empower 1M people through helping to amplify the impact of coaching in the world.

I believe coaching has the power to change the world - and the world needs YOU!

I've witnessed the power of coaching in my own life and built mutliple thriving coaching brands, from scratch, working privately with individuals and providing 1:1 and group coaching in the corporate space too.

I'm on a mission to help other coaches turn their big calling into a great living and make their difference in the world.

Who am I?  What qualifies me to help others build a thriving coaching business? And am I the right person to help you?

An important first step in choosing the right coach and mentor is to understand more about their expertise and experience, what qualifies them to do what they do - and equally important (in my personal view) understand what kind of a person they are.

I very much hope we'll have the opportunity to talk in person, in the meanwhile, I'm delighted to share what I hope is useful background information on what lights me up. my personal story and what I've achieved both professionally and personally...

Click Here to Download What Nic's Clients Say

Professional Bio

Discover more about Nicola Huelin's professional credentials, qualifications and experience and what qualifies her as a trusted expert when it comes to helping other coaches like you, turn your big calling into a great living.

Check Out Nic's Credentials

Personal Story

You'll often hear me say I believe that coaching has the power to change the world.  This is not something I say lightly.  Before I fully understood the power of coaching for my clients, it was first going to change (save) MY life...

Read Nic's Story


As a nature-loving introvert, my big passions in life are being at home with my family and being in nature with our two Friesian horses Monty & Luna. I've been a business geek since the age of 18 when I went to Uni to study Business Economics (on holiday I was always  the girl by the pool with a stack of business books - nothing's changed, only now I have kindle on my smartphone).  My core values are family, love, honesty, authenticity and making a positive difference.


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